What does SOIVRE Control involve?
If you export or import agri-food or industrial products, you should know that they will be subject to SOIVRE (Official Service for the Inspection, Surveillance and Regulation of Exports).
On the other hand, SOIVRE’s supervision extends to the trade of species protected by CITES (wild animals and flora and their derivatives).
SOIVRE is an agency under the General Directorate of Trade and Investment of the General Secretariat of Foreign Trade, which reports to the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism.
SOIVRE’s supervision and inspections are carried out by the Territorial Trade Directorates of each Autonomous Community.
SOIVRE inspections guarantee the commercial quality and safety of goods imported from other countries.
Thus, the purpose of SOIVRE is to regulate the commercial quality of goods imported from other countries. Meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and oils are the main components.
SOIVRE also inspects and certifies industrial goods imported from other nations. These are mainly toys, textiles and footwear, as well as furniture and certain electrical components.
Where and how are the SOIVRE Controls carried out?
SOIVRE controls are carried out at the Spanish Territorial and Provincial Trade Directorates.
Likewise, inspections of goods subject to SOIVRE control may be carried out at Spanish customs facilities and at the facilities of the commercial operators where these products are manufactured, produced, packaged, stored, loaded, or distributed.
Consequently, interested commercial operators can initiate the SOIVRE control request directly or through their customs agents (freight forwarder or AEO).
From this moment on, they must inform the SOIVRE Inspection Service of the corresponding Territorial and Provincial Trade Directorate of the foreign trade activities that must pass this control.
Information to be included in the SOIVRE Monitoring request
You should know that the SOIVRE control request can be made on paper or electronically, but the operator or his representative must have a user key provided by the corresponding SOIVRE Inspection Service.
In any case, the following information must be submitted for commercial quality control:
- Exporter/Importer (Operator).
- Name of the individual or companies
- NIF of the company
- Addressee
- Country of destination or origin
- The destination of the export or import cargo.
- Determination of the mode of transport
- Type of shipment to be inspected, Combined Nomenclature (CN) code, number of cartons/packages/pallets, make/lot code of manufacture, quality class and gross/net weight.
- Date and place of notification
If you wish to request SOIVRE intervention, a written or telematic notification including information on the goods to be examined is required.
In addition, to ensure the security of the goods, you will be asked to submit the following information:
- Customs point of entry.
- Importer (and, if applicable, representative): name and full address or company name, nationality, and tax identification number (NIF).
- Producer.
- Exporter.
- Origin of the products.
- Origin of the products.
- Place of inspection of the consignment.
- Determination of the mode of transport.
- Type of shipment to be inspected, Combined Nomenclature (CN) code, number of cartons/packages/pallets, make/lot code of manufacture, quality class and gross/net weight.
- Date and place of notification.
Upon submission of your request, the SOIVRE Inspection Service will examine the goods and notify you of the result of the inspection.
After Inspection
The SOIVRE Inspection Service will declare items compliant if they meet all commercial quality and industrial safety standards.
SOIVRE will provide a Complete Reference Number (CRN) for industrial items that pass the safety inspection to facilitate customs clearance.
In addition, for goods subject to commercial quality control, SOIVRE will issue the SOIVRE Commercial Quality Control Certificate or the EEC/SOIVRE Certificate for fruits and vegetables, which will allow customs clearance of the goods for import and export from or to other countries.
A second inspection of the goods may be requested if they do not pass the SOIVRE Examination Service
Your products may be rejected by the SOIVRE Inspection Service if they do not meet commercial quality or industrial safety standards (labeling, marking, etc.).
Without authorization from the SOIVRE Inspection Service, items that do not meet commercial quality standards may not be transported.
You must then request a new inspection in writing within 48 hours, this being the result.
In the case of “non-compliant” industrial items in terms of safety, the SOIVRE Inspection Service may release your goods if the identified non-compliances can be remedied.
Thereafter, you must make a written commitment to resolve the non-conformities, and the competent authorities must verify that you have done so before selling the goods.
Is your request for a SOIVRE inspection being processed?
At Connecta we are experts in customs processes, and we are here to help people and companies involved in international trade.
If you import goods intended for human consumption or industrial use, customs will need them to pass through SOIVRE control before they are allowed to be marketed or distributed in Spanish territory.
Therefore, you will have to arrange for the products to pass this inspection before the Territorial Directorate of Commerce.
And at Connecta, we can take care of this for you, as we are a team of experts in this field.
Therefore, if a problem or incident occurs, we can advise you on the best course of action.
Similarly, we will help you speed up the SOIVRE inspection process by ensuring that all the required information is provided.
The actions Connecta can take on your behalf will help you avoid unnecessary visits.
Connecta has two channels of communication and document transmission:
- By mail to: info@miconnecta.com
- You can also use our form to Connect with us.